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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Compass Point Primary School

Vacancy for Parent Governor

Being a governor at Compass Point Primary School is rewarding  

Compass Point Primary School is committed to raising educational standards. We are looking  for dedicated individuals who want to make a difference in the lives of children and are willing to share their experience in an educational environment.

Preferable skills and competencies 

We are looking for dedicated individuals who can offer a passion for education with a belief and understanding of the schools holistic approach.

Further information about the role of the governor can be found on the school website. 

Governors can access free training, including e-courses, that will help develop their skills, all of which are transferable to other roles.


If you are interested in the role, please complete the google form on the school website, or ask at reception for a paper copy. 

Should there be multiple applications, a simple ballot of parents will be held.