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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Compass Point Primary School

Compass Point judged to be a GOOD school by OfSTED

In November our school was inspected by Ofsted and we are delighted that following the inspection the inspectors judged Compass Point to be a ‘Good School’ . This is an incredibly proud moment for us in school and the inspectors were full of praise for every aspect of school life.

The inspectors particularly recognised the work that staff have been doing on developing all areas of the curriculum as well as providing exciting opportunities for our children to learn. As a staff team we are delighted that our hard work has been recognised.

Inspectors said “School life is rich. There are many opportunities to take part in activities such as after school clubs, trips and events.” They praised the inclusive ethos of the whole school including the resource base and explained that “Staff value every pupil and want them to feel that they belong. They work hard to build a community that helps pupils to flourish and do their best”. 

We are so proud of each and every one of our children and the inspectors remarked how “pupils are caring and thoughtful of others” and how “pupils concentrate well in lessons and respect each other” - a true reflection of the wonderful school community that we are so lucky to be involved in everyday.

As a school we are committed to continuing to improve our attendance figures. We know that low attendance continues to be a challenge for all schools during periods of high levels of illness. The inspectors had praise for the strategies currently being used to improve attendance and have asked that we continue to work on this key area.

Please take the time to read the report, it really is a very lovely read and something for our whole school community to be proud of.