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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Compass Point Primary School


"All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players".

                                                                              William Shakespeare


We know that drama helps with learning across the curriculum, for example in history our children have the opportunity to 'hot seat' different historical characters and in PSHE drama is used to ponder the actions, thoughts and feelings of others. We use drama to enable children to really dig deeper into books, to help with infering meaning from key texts and to really develop a thorough understanding of fiction.

We know that drama helps our children to develop their self confidence. as well as helping them to improve their speaking and listening skills. Through drama our children develop teamwork and build resilience. 

We study the works of key historic and modern writers, our children love to write their own playscripts and enjoy performing these both in class and in assemblies. We have excellent links with our local theatres and enjoy taking our children to watch theatrical productions.